
Showing posts from October, 2016
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The Equation of special relativity This is a little complicated though not that difficult if you are curious to know about the theories of Einstein. So this all started of an imaginary clock known as the light clock. This consists of two mirrors placed parallel mirrors.  A beam of light is shined and keeps on going up and down as shown in scenario 1. Now for example your friend 'a' is holding the light clock in the dark in front of you 'b'. Lets take the legnth between the two mirrors as 1 m. Thus the time take for the light to go from the 1st mirror to the 2nd is = 1/300000000= 3.3 nanoseconds. Let us draw this in the form of a triangle. So side b is 3.3cm(.now it is going to become a little complicated) But if 'b' starts moving with the light clock at half the speed of light. the light forms a zig-zag pattern as shown in scenario 2. Now 'b' is running at half the speed of light so his path will also be half the time taken by light while movi
The Faraday's Law Faraday was the one who made the existence of the electrical motor possible which now is  one of the most important tool in any machine. He found this out as he discovered an extremely common force known as the electromagnetic force. He found this out due to a very simple experiment. What he did was he took to wires , one made of copper and on made of cotton(thread). He took to blocks of iron, as big as the size of our finger. He then connected the metal wire to one block and the thread to the other and placed them in a non electricity conducting liquid. As he passed current through the metal wire he realized that the block of iron tied to the thread started rotation around the other. This was electromagnetism.
General realtivity Gives you breif about the general theory of relativity.  Oct 17, 2016 Einstein was fascinated by the theories of Newton though when he studied how Newton discovered gravity, he was not convinced. Thus he was thinking while looking out of the window. He imagined a person falling of the roof. While falling the person would not feel his own weight. But if he was falling inside the elevator as someone must have cut the cable, The person would stay in the middle and would counter the inertial force. Thus he said that gravity was not a force exerted by earth but by the space. The Special theory of relativity Gives you breif about the general theory of relativity.  Oct 17, 2016 When Einstein published this theory, he changed the way the world looked at space. When he was going in a bus, he saw the famous clock tower. Then he imagined himselves travelling at the speed of light. He realized that if this would be possible then the hands of the cl