Change Your Time


Seeing the future is always believed to be a supernatural power often related to gods , astrologers etc. But is it actually possible for humans to predict the future?
             I have started studying on this topic and I had a vision of how this may be possible. You must be knowing that time is different for all. No ones time is the same because the faster you travel through space the slower you go through time. It may not be possible to see the future but it is certainly possible to see the past , even a hundred years ago.
            Lets say you are travelling at the speed of light , c. So the whole world goes stationary for you even though it is moving. Now , lets say that you have to travel a distance of 10 m , from A to B , at c. And your friend has to travel the same distance but at walking speed. The time at your and your friend watch is 3:00. So you start of at c and reach point B so your friend appears stationary though he is moving. For example you took 10 seconds to cover 10 m. Now you are at c and your friend is still appearing at point A. The time at your watch may be 3:00:10 but at your friends watch the time is 3:00:00. Though your friend already may be a point B but you still se him at point A. Thus you are just viewing the past of your friend. You are able to see what he was doing 10 seconds back.
            Thus if you move around the earth at c for 50 years then you can see yourselves 50 years back at the same place from where you started. Simple , isn't it?


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