Blackout Pointer Theory

Blackout Pointer Theory

The Blackout Pointer Theory was a theory given by Aarav Rawal in 2017. It is derived from the Special Theory of Relativity of Einstein. It is a part of relativistic mechanics. Its main objective is to theoretically prove the working of a time machine. A time machine can take you into the past or the future although this theory explains only how it can take you behind in time.
In Einsteins Special theory of Relativity, albert says that if you travel at the speed of light then time will be equal to zero because the light coming from your surroundings will not be able to catchup to you. This can be mathematically proved:

If time becomes zero then everything around would seem stationary.

Blackout Pointer Theory

Lets take an example that includes the time dilation formula. Lets say you sleep for 4 hrs and someone travelling 60% the speed of light sees you sleeping. Then he observes that you slept for:
Now if v becomes more than 0 lets say  then by substituting:
As you see the value of time becomes smaller thus proving that going to the past is possible.

Is It Actually Possible?

Not on earth of course. To make something move with a such a great velocity we need a large force and for that we need huge amount of energy which indeed only possible with nuclear reactions which of course cannot take place on earth. But it is possible in space. Lets try to see it mathematically:
lets say we have to move the object to velocity  in 60 sec or 1min.
Assuming the mass of the object = 60kg then
Which is an easy task for a nuclear fission.


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